Interview with Partnership for Families

Partnership for Families (PFF) provides resources for vulnerable families with young children to ensure a solid education while creating safe and healthy environments for children to grow and thrive. PFF partners with other organizations that engage in early literacy and learning that will benefit families to better support their children.

A challenge that PFF faces is that they have a difficult time in effectively tracking families’ progress over time. IT4Causes steps in to provide the best software package and case management in tracking progress. Without IT4Causes, PFF would not have taken the step in advancing more technologically, such as being able to track referrals to other agencies on line and having the ability to look at higher level of data analysis like mapping where the clients they serve live. IT4Causes also provides training for the staff so that the organization can learn to sustain the systems themselves over time.

As we work with Partnership for Families, we are growing together and creating a new resource for the local RVA community that other organizations can access at affordable rates. Working with IT4Causes has helped PFF assess the problems and create solutions together. We at IT4Causes are pleased to provide Partnership for Families with a smoother process for assisting families in need, tracking progress and outcomes, and creating a lasting partnership in the community.