National Backup Day: A Crucial Reminder

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National Backup Day serves as a critical call to action for all organizations, particularly nonprofits, highlighting the importance of consistent data backups. Data is invaluable, and its loss can severely disrupt operations, endanger sensitive information, and diminish trust. Nonprofits as well as other small- and mid-sized-businesses need to recognize that data on individual machines, servers, and … Read more

Sponsor Feature Story: Impact Makers

Impact Makers is a unique management and technology consulting firm committed to contributing 100% of net profits to the community over the life of the company. Their community contributions rival companies a hundred times their size due to this revolutionary model. To date, Impact Makers has contributed nearly $3 million in direct financial support and … Read more

We’ve Joined Club 501(c)3!

We are beyond excited to announce that our application for 501(c)3 status has been approved and we are officially a certified tax exempt organization. We want to extend our gratitude to the members of our board; George Welch, Michael Pirron, and Terry Sherman.  And also thank Won-Suk Choi for his counsel on our legal matters, … Read more

Partner Spotlight: The Beacon Tree Foundation

Beacon Tree was founded in 2008 by parents Tom and Diana Leahy who were motivated by their own children’s struggles with clinical depression. Unfortunately, there is still a stigma associated with mental health which can make it hard for children to get the resources they need. For the parents who do get past the stigma, the mental health field … Read more